

Take a seat around the campfire, relax and join the Hiker Trash Husbands for some adventures!

Trail Maintenance on the Kilkenny Ridge Trail/Cohos Trail between Rogers Ledge and South Pond

Trail Maintenance on the Kilkenny Ridge Trail/Cohos Trail between Rogers Ledge and South Pond

We're the volunteer trail maintainers for the section of the Cohos Trail that runs from Rogers Ledge to South Pond. That section of the Cohos Trail follows the northern end of the Kilkenny Ridge Trail.

Turned out to be a much colder and wetter hike than we had thought it would be, but we were prepared and we were able to get a lot of trail clearing done along the way.

To get to Roger's Ledge, we hiked in on the Mill Brook Trail from the Berlin Fish Hatchery area. We used two cars for this hike - we left one at the gate just past South Pond and began the hike just outside the gate at the Fish Hatchery. Overall this was a 12 mile hike with about 1740 feet of elevation gain along the way.

Volunteer to maintain a section of the Cohos Trail -

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Mount Crag and the Shelburne Trails in Shelburne, NH

Mount Crag and the Shelburne Trails in Shelburne, NH

North Percy Peak - NH 52 With A View

North Percy Peak - NH 52 With A View